
murphThis is the story of a dog named Murph. He likes to chew on bones and has a lot of hair that sheds on the carpet. I have to clean up all of the hair with the vacuum cleaner. It’s a hassle, but at the end of the day, he is a cool dog to have around the house. He has special training as a service dog for PTSD and anxiety. His owner, my uncle, was an army airborne, and after being shot and sent home with a purple heart, he now lives in Florida, with Murph as his dog. Murph makes a lot of friends down by the dog park, and is very friendly with new people that he meets. His daily activities include making a mess with his fur wherever he goes, chewing on his many bones and chew toys, and giving everyone their daily licks to the face. Murph has the easy life for a dog; no rent, no bills, just love and things to chew on.